Data Security Platform
Market leading coverage, risk reduction, behavioral analysis and more. Protect your data, meet compliance and react to threats with the Lepide Data Security Platform. Trusted by thousands of organizations all over the world
Lepide leverages Data-Centric Audit & Protection for enterprise-level insight into your data and the surrounding systems, whether on-premise or in the cloud. We help all members of the IT and security teams get value, from fixing technical, point problems to proving that your data is secure for compliance audits.

Audit changes and track interactions with data

Detect and react to security threats in real time

Govern access to data prevent privilege abuse

Discover and classify your sensitive data

Audit, report and alert on changes being made to sensitive data and your hybrid environment.
Roll back unwanted changes and restore deleted objects to maintain system integrity.
Track any changes and modifications users are making to critical files and folders.
Automated Response

Machine Learning backed anomaly spotting technology will allow you to determine when one of your users becomes an insider threat.

Hundreds of threat models, tailored to specific data security threats, generate real time alerts when the security of your data is in jeopardy.

Automated threat responses can be triggered to perform threat mitigations, such as shutting down an affected computer or server.
Report on who has access to your most sensitive data and how they were granted that access.
Specific reports for users with excessive permissions enable you to spot which users are most likely to be insider threats.
Maintain your zero-trust policy by spotting when permissions change and reversing them.

Automatically scan, discover and classify data at the point of creation to help you stay on top of where your sensitive data is located.

Remove false positives with proximity scanning technology. This helps to improve the accuracy even further than most classification solutions.

Categorize and score data based on compliance, risk, occurrence, monetary value, and more to stay on top of your most sensitive data.

Lepide Data Security Platform

Hundreds of Threat Models
Execute automated responses when the solution detects ransomware, malware, insider threats and more.

Real Time Alerts
Get alerts on user behavior and changes delivered to your email or mobile in real time.

Intelligent SIEM Integration
Seamlessly integrate with SIEM solutions to add context to reports and streamline your threat response/investigations.

Enterprise Scalability
Divert resources to individual pieces of functionality as required to ensure smooth and reliable scalability.

Universal Auditing
Best in class platform coverage for on-premise and the cloud through syslog and restAPI integrations.