Vulnerabilities Faster

Tenable BigFix Integration Benefits

  • Reduce the overall cyber risk for your organization.

  • Improve awareness of what remediations are needed to address detected vulnerabilities to reduce the most risk.

  • Have confidence you are remediating the right vulnerabilities based on prioritized recommendations.

  • Reduce remediation time from hours or days to minutes.

  • Shrink the attack surface.

  • Increase BigFix’s return on investment (ROI)  

BIGFIX delivers greater than 98% first-pass patch success rate!


Saved in license non-compliance fines (Distribution)


Endpoints and 500 servers secured (Higher Education)


Reduction in work station security issues within the first year (Computer Industry)
  • IT Operations and Security teams can automatically reconcile vulnerability detections with remediation actions, collapsing compliance and eliminating the organizations overall cyber exposure.

  • Prioritize and focus on the most critical vulnerabilities from Tenable, then automatically correlate remediation workflows with BigFix Baselines and Fixlets using BigFix supersedence engine.

  • Save time and effort on remediation alignment and eliminate cumbersome, manual processes such as file exchange and web searches for correlation.

  • Reduce the need for specialized expertise by providing automation and embedding advanced patch analytics into the process.

  • Leverage Tenable’s Vulnerability Priority Rating (VPR) for vulnerability prioritization, which combines Tenable-collected vulnerability data with third-party vulnerability and threat data and analyzes them together with the advanced data science algorithm developed by Tenable Research.

  • Leverage the broadest set of remediation capabilities from BigFix, both in terms of supported OS platforms, and-out-of-the-box, certified remediations.